Wild Wanderings
Mike's Bio
This website has been 10 plus years in the making.
10 years ago James and I made our first foray into the mountains with what seems like now the heaviest gear we could find to get in touch with mountains and wild places again. We lived on a quiet cul-de-sac in typical suburbia fashion. We were both working insane hours and spending all of our free time trapped inside chained to desks and we knew that we were missing something in our lives but were not sure what it was. We had a feeling though that we needed a vacation and we both loved to fish.
As a kid I spent time in the Sangre De Cristo mountains of Colorado wild and free on the eastern side of the mountains (inset picture).
I had run of the range and always loved the area known as Lake of the Clouds.
Back then you could ride a motorcycle clear to lake but today it is in a national wilderness and the only way in is by horseback or on foot. Neither one of us had a horse since we were living in suburbia so we decided we were going to hike in after memorial day and spend a few days just he and I fishing and we were pretty sure the cell phone wouldn't work there and even if it did it would be miles away in truck.
All winter we gathered gear a piece here and a piece there when we could afford it. No thoughts to how much weight we were acquiring with our bargain gear we just knew that we had to have gear.